![]() 时间飞逝,转眼在英国做心理咨询已经将近4年了。这四年中,我接触了很多背井离乡,怀揣憧憬,希望和美好的留学生,也听了很多他们跌宕起伏,失落,难过,沮丧的故事。 我会陪他们一起哭,一起笑,一起跌倒,一起成长。咨询中总会有过去不去的砍,停滞不前,彼此都很纠结。但每当我们一起努力走过,我都会有种地为他们感到骄傲和自豪。同时,自己也会由衷的欣慰和开心。 作为一个曾经的留学生,我发现留学生是一个需要被格外被关注和照顾的群体,除了年龄小,社会经验少,更有语言文化的障碍,背井离乡,孤独和想家的问题,加上学业压力大,社交圈子小,还有经济条件的限制,等等这些种种都有可能造成海外留学生极大的困扰。 近期的新闻媒体不断报出留学生被欺凌,抑郁,自杀的消息,让我这个在海外做心理咨询的咨询师觉得无比的悲哀。为了让这些悲剧不再重演,我们紧急联系了中国驻英大使馆,希望能把留学生的心理健康问题提上日程。同时我们也决定把留学生心理咨询作为我们现在咨询的重点。我希望能用我门的专业知识和经验来帮助更多人走出阴郁,重新找到希望和动力。 不管你在什么地方,如果你觉得不开心,孤独很无助,觉得没有地方倾诉,不要一个人想不开,记得可以来找我聊聊。我虽然没有神力让你的世界瞬间变得美好,但是我愿意陪着你一起走出阴霾。 如果你愿意相信我,可以给我发邮件:[email protected] 或者我们的微信:welcomehomesp来预约咨询或询问相关的问题。我的咨询方式可以是skype或面对面(如果你在爱丁堡或周边),咨询为每节50分钟,学生价30英镑或300元。 另外,如果您身边有不开心,难过,焦虑的朋友,记得把我的邮箱或微信转给对方,希望在他们(她们)需要的时候,有地方可以寻求帮助。 谢谢!真心希望每一个海外学子都能有一段健康,开心又有意义的留学体验。 此致 敬礼! 王子薇 WelcomeHome Multi-language Support 创始人 留学生心理咨询师
![]() As we launch our new support group services, we are no longer running the emotional support group and it will be replaced by the peer support group. Also the emotional healing workshop will be replaced by the peer support workshop. And in the new semester there will be more topics and interesting ways to support and help you in your studies or work in the UK. So stay tuned, it is coming soon. Furthermore, to meet our client’s requirements we have launched a new service: One-to-One peer support service. To find out more information please visit our website: http://www.welcomehomeuk.com/one-to-one-peer-support-service.html Hey everyone,
Christmas and New Year are coming in the next few weeks. I hope you have arranged everything and you are ready for a merry Christmas and happy New Year! For the Emotional Support Group members, I am looking forward to see you next year on the 6th of January. And the good news is our Emotional Support Group 2 will be back starting from session 1 on the 7th of January, so if you missed group 1 it is a good opportunity for you to start from the beginning. You can find more information from here. What is more if you haven’t made any plans for Christmas yet; you are very welcome to come back “Home” by joining our Christmas Eve WelcomeHome event. Let’s have a warm and merry Christmas together! You can find more information from here. At last, here are 5 tips for WelcomeHome members: 1) List 10 best things you have done this year and remember them; 2) List 10 worst things you have done this year, learn from it and let them go; 3) List 10 goals you are going to achieve next year, put it on the wall; 4) Clean you room, buy yourself, your family and friends a small gift. Say thank you and you deserve it! 5) Sit back, relax and enjoy a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! With best wishes, Ziwei Wang WelcomeHome Multi-language Support 09/12/2014 Good news, our new Emotional Support Group has finally launched. It is coming with the emotional healing workshops which can help you effectively deal with life’s challenges and quickly rid yourself of emotional distress in our safe, warm and open minded emotional healing workshop. It will help you deal with the loss of a relationship, pressure from study, work or anything annoying you. What is emotional support group? Click here What is emotional healing workshop? Click here ![]() 1. 4th November (Tuesday) 18:00-20:00: Emotional healing workshop 1: Understand yourself and your feelings ![]() 2. 11th November (Tuesday) 18:00-20:00: Emotional healing workshop 2: Learn to release your negative feelings
This is our latest workshops and events time table. For more details please visit our website: Workshops and Events. ![]() 七夕情人节Party来啦! Double Seven Festival Party is coming ! 火锅+寿司+卡拉OK+Party小游戏+情人节礼物 Hotpot+Sushi+Karaoke+Party Game+Gifts 这个七夕让独在异乡的你不孤单! On this double Seven Festival you will never alone, even though you are in a foreign country! 大家快来踊跃报名哦。单身的你说不定能遇到那个TA呢?!:P Book your ticket now! Maybe you will meet your Mr/Miss right ?! :P 时间:8月2日 本周六 18:45-22:00 Date and Time: 2nd August Saturday 18:45-22:00 地点:Yes Sushi 二楼: 89 Hanover St, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH2 1EE Location: Yes Sushi Up stairs: 89 Hanover St, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH2 1EE 参加人员:不限,单身、Couple、另一半远在他乡...我们统统欢迎。 Who can join: We welcome everyone. So whether you are sigle, with your parterner or far from your parterner just come and Join us. 费用:25磅每人(吃喝玩乐全包括) Price: 25 Pounds/ per (Including all) 备注:
http://welcomehomedoubleseventhfestival.eventbrite.co.uk Way of Booking : Please click here or Click the Event's Logo 祝大家情人节快乐!!!有情人终成眷属! Happy Double Seven Festival !!! ---Considering the feeling of confliction and loss; the thought of a job
In this Thursday evening WelcomeHome workshop we talked about life after graduating…We noticed that graduation has two sides; on the positive side, we can finally say goodbye to our student life which is a great accomplishment. We can grow up and go on to enjoy our freedom, being an adult; on the other hand it also means more challenges and choices to face and more responsibilities to be taken by ourselves. It is not an easy thing and we need to prepare enough for our future. Graduation is a turning point which is important for everyone.
In the workshop we got a chance to be aware of our feelings at the turning point. We pictured our future, talked about the meaning of a job for each person and we found some other choices after graduating apart from looking for a job. I hope you can be inspirited and be able to think in a different way about graduation, work and your future. There are some ideas according to what we have found.
Welcome to WelcomeHome Muti-language Support Blog!
We will keep update the useful information and news here to help you overcome your difficulties and integrate into the UK faster and better! Please stay tuned. |
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November 2018