作者:Matt Chiu from WelcomeHome Multi-language Support 在英國除了有名的炸魚薯條, 傳統的英式早午餐也是一樣在英國生活裡不應該錯過的體驗, 在放假的早晨睡到自然醒, 信步晃到街上,悠悠閒閒的吃頓早午餐當作一天的開始, 看著街上希希嚷嚷的人群走過, 這時口中吃下的不只是一份美味的食物, 更是一份難能可貴的寧靜. 不過假如此時吃的是一份難以下嚥的英式早午餐, 想必這口口吃下去的再也不是寧靜, 而是被坑錢的憤怒, 一天的優閒也變成了一天的幽怨, 其實在這大家公認不會吃東西的英國, 這種情形其實很容易發生, 英國遍地都是的酒吧, 咖啡廳或是餐館都可以在菜單上看到傳統早餐的蹤影, 而內容也不外乎就是炒蛋,烤番茄,香腸,培根,煮豆子,蘑菇以及吐司搭上橙汁,咖啡以及茶的組合(如果是蘇格蘭則還會加上黑布丁以及羊雜). 看似簡單到不行的傳統英式早餐, 只要一些小細節的不同就會造成天與地的差別, 所以要如何挑選一份好吃的英式早餐呢? 首先除了一般網路上的評論還有親身花錢去踩地雷之外, 只要多注意些小細節也能夠更容易地找到好吃的英式早餐喔. 1.菜單: 大部分的英式早餐菜單都是簡單的把所有東西寫出來, 蛋就寫蛋,香腸就寫香腸, 培根就培根等等, 但有些店裡的菜單會特別註明食材的產地,Scottish eggs, Wales bacon等等,不要懷疑,就試下這家吧, 因為他們通常都是用了比較高級或是著名的料~ 3.偷看大家的飲料: 通常早餐的咖啡很少人會點espresso, 那麼理論上你會看到一杯正常大小的咖啡, 假如你看到大家桌上都是放著espresso的杯子, 那麼也不用期待喝到新鮮現榨的橙汁了,如果還是想試試這家店,那麼請默默閉上眼讓這家店打劫你的錢包吧… 作者:王子薇 来自 WelcomeHome Multi-language Support Author: Ziwei Wang from WelcomeHome Multi-language Support 两年前的今天,我在微博上写到“突然发现,图书馆原来是个Day dreaming的好地方。。。” On this day two years ago, I posted a blog that said: "I just notice that library is a good place for day dreaming..." 两年后,我发现自己竟然因缘巧合地坐在和两年前同一张桌子前to make my dream come true...。 Now I found I am sitting in the same place as two years ago to make my dream come true... 时光荏苒,回想当年的Dream,很高兴现在我在朝着他一步步迈进。虽然辛苦,但一切都是值得。 Time flies. To remember the dream I had made two years ago, I am glad that I am getting closer to it step by step. Even though it is hard, I believe it is worth it. 回想自己一个人在英国留学、生活的两年,如同做过山车一般起起伏伏,无比充实。引用一句朋友的话“留学和下乡差不多锻炼人”。的确留学绝不是件简单的事情,他就像压缩饼干,压缩了生活中所有的酸甜苦辣,吃下去一下子就把生活填的满满的。让人有些搓手不急,然而这却是我宝贵的一段生命历程。 Looking back on the two years that I have been in the UK by myself. It feels like being on a roller coaster with many ups and downs, breathtaking but really interesting. My friend told me"Studying abroad is as hard as XiaXiang(To let educated youth settle in the countryside as members of agricultural production brigades)." I agree with it as I had never thought studying abroad is an easy thing. It was like a hardtack which compressed all the good things and bad things in my life. Once eaten, it will inflate and fill your life immediately. Sometimes it may inflate too fast for me to get use to it. However I think it is a precious experience of mine. 从拿到offer实的激动兴奋,到拿到第一份作业成绩时的失落沮丧; From feeling excited when I got the offer from the University to feeling frustrated when I got the grade of my first essay; 从初看到一个陌生城市的新鲜喜悦,到一个人闷在房间里的难过想家; From feeling curious and joy about a new environment to feeling sad and homesick from hiding by myself in my room; 从终于逃离家长开心地期盼自己的独立和自由,到遇到问题时一个人的害怕难过和不知所措; From enjoying the freedom and independence from detaching from my parents to feeling afraid and overwhelmed when facing the problems by myself; 从参加毕业典礼时的开心喜悦及对未来的无限憧憬,到面对现实、就业、回国等现实压力时的痛苦挣扎; From feeling delight and looking forward to my future in the graduation ceremony to having a painful struggle when facing the reality of job hunting and the dilemma of leaving or staying; 从下定决心朝自己梦想迈进的壮志凌云,到如今几经周折的沉淀; From making my decision with soaring aspirations to achieve my dream to now feeling peaceful and hopeful after many twists and turns. 是的,留学的生活既是如此地跌宕起伏,悲喜掺杂。 Studying abroad is full of the conflicts feelings which is always ups and downs, have both happiness and sadness. 如果今天你也有一个梦想,记得一定把他hold住,因为在不远的明天,它终有可能成为现实。 So if you have a dream today, remember to hold it, as one day it will come true. 不管是你准备来留学,正在留学,或即将完成学业,都请你为自己的人生同时做好承受喜悦和悲伤的心理准备。因为在生命中的每个阶段,都不能完美。而我们每天的努力,都是为了更好的明天,正如两年前的我在读书馆做的“DAY DREAM”。 No matter what situation are you in at the moment, eg. You are going to study abroad; you are doing your study in a foreign country or you are just going to finish it. Please ensure yourself always ready for facing both the joyful and depressed moment, as life can never be prefect in every moment. However all the hard work we do now is for our brilliant future, just like the "DAY DREAM" that I made two years ago in the library. 让我们一起加油,朝梦想前进吧! Lets work hard for your dream! ---Considering the feeling of confliction and loss; the thought of a job
In this Thursday evening WelcomeHome workshop we talked about life after graduating…We noticed that graduation has two sides; on the positive side, we can finally say goodbye to our student life which is a great accomplishment. We can grow up and go on to enjoy our freedom, being an adult; on the other hand it also means more challenges and choices to face and more responsibilities to be taken by ourselves. It is not an easy thing and we need to prepare enough for our future. Graduation is a turning point which is important for everyone.
In the workshop we got a chance to be aware of our feelings at the turning point. We pictured our future, talked about the meaning of a job for each person and we found some other choices after graduating apart from looking for a job. I hope you can be inspirited and be able to think in a different way about graduation, work and your future. There are some ideas according to what we have found.
原创作者:王子薇 Welcomehome Multi-language Support ------写给即将来英国的中国留学生 二. 机票和到达
购买机票的总体原则就是方便且划算。这里我就具体阐述几个购买机票时需要注意的地方: Tips 原创作者:王子薇 WelcomeHome Multi-language Support ------写给即将来英国的中国留学生 当你终于等到了学校发来的offer,开心、激动兴奋之余,对未来的茫然和未知是否会让你觉得些许的紧张或不安呢?试想一下,你将一个人到一个人生地不熟的陌生的环境里生活、学习,远离最好的亲人朋友,一切问题都要自己面对和解决,那么你真的准备好了么? 不要小看留学,因为他绝对不是一件简单轻松的事情,当你踏出国门,你会发现世界很大,而你变得如此渺小。离开了熟悉的环境,家人的呵护,你要面对的不仅仅是考出好成绩,更重要的是学会坚强,学会独立生活。留学不同于出国旅行,因为旅行是度假休闲,是满满的快乐,但它只是暂时;而留学则不同,它是一种生活,而生活总是饱含酸甜苦辣。 所以,现在的准备工作就变得非常重要。正如孙子兵法中所说:“知己知彼,百战不殆。”下面我就来具体说说该如何从细节事务到心理上做好全方面的准备。让你预先知道留学生活中可能遇到的困难和挑战,这样我们就没什么可怕的啦。 第一篇:硬件准备
Please empty your fridge before leave ---- For people coming from overseas Cooking has never been an important thing for MIaosheng Li until 2009,when she was "abandoned" in London, UK. A place famous for Big Ben, Harry Potter, The Queen, or... boring food.... And .... Occasionally the sense of loneliness for people coming from overseas. Just like all foreigners, she has to face all the difficulties on her own. However her enthusiasm for food became a good way for her to deal with the sense of loneliness. So she promised to herself: Cannot be careless for food; Cannot waste food and make as big a variety as she can. At the beginning, cooking is only because of her cravings. Can you imagine a Chinese girl living in a foreign country, how difficult it could be, if there is no home cooked dish in her life? So she started to have Beef noodles, lanzhou Pork, home made jelly on her dining table. Gradually, she realized these home cooked dishes can help to relieve her negative feelings.Then gradually it developed into a habits: Any food she wants must be cooked by herself. Food and the smell of cooking became a significant part in her life in a foreign country. "Have a good meal " became a simple and easy way that she cares for herself. After this.... Cooking gradually became a essential part of her life. The smell of the food from her kitchen arouse her thoughts about the meaning of home. She said: when I set the stove to cook it is like the gravity which can make me feel like coming back down to earth. This is the most important meaning of a home for me. In other words, this is the power that can help and support me overcome the countless feelings of sadness, frustration and all the other bad feelings I have experienced or am experiencing , and enable me to came back to be myself. This is a normal story about an ordinary girl with her five kitchens. Whenever she is going to leave home, she will try all her best to finish the food in her fridge in a prefect way. As food for her means energy, memories, and a greeting for her new day. Maybe you are also a lonely person drifting in somewhere of the world. Maybe you also have many gloomy mood which cannot talk with others about. This book can make you realise how the food can help you overcome your difficulties. If you like cooking, then no matter where you are, Cooking is everything.
感觉孤单、痛苦、难过、想家......也许这些是每个在异国他乡的人都不得不经历的。我相信每个人都有自己的方式去应对和解决,正如这本书的作者李妙生一般,下厨成为她找回自己的良方。饱含熟悉的味道和香气的厨房让她又有了回家的感觉。于是,生活的一切都变得美好而不同。 如果你还没有找到自己的良方去应对生活在异国他乡的种种囧态,那就赶快加入我们,让我们成为你的英国之家,你的地心引力。让我们帮助你在熟悉的语言、文化和环境中尽快找回真我,找回家的感觉。 Feeling lonely, depressed, frustrated, homesick.... Maybe these are the bad things that everyone from overseas will have to experience. I believe people could have their own way to deal with them. For example, the author Miaosheng Li. Cooking is her special way to overcome all the difficulties. Her kitchen which is full of familiar smells like home can arouse her feeling that make her feel safe and comfortable, where she can relieve her negative feelings. Then everything in her world became better.
If you have not found your way to deal with the bad feelings whilst living a foreign country yet, then simply join us. Let us be your second home in the UK, be your gravity, and help you to feel grounded, find your true self and the homely feeling in a familiar environment, languages and culture background.
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November 2018