Last Thursday, to help people explore Edinburgh we prepared a special workshop for people who are new to the city. We intended to give people a general idea about Edinburgh and provide some useful information and tips about living in the city; including where to live, where to shop, where to play and where to eat and drink. I hope you found it useful and that you can get to know the city faster and better. As we talked about at the beginning of the workshop, we all agreed that Edinburgh is beautiful, historic, vibrant, picturesque, homely and full of art, magic, and happiness. So I hope you can truly enjoy your time in this lovely city with us. I would like to thank everyone who joined us, especially for Zejun Yan who has been studying and living in Edinburgh for more than ten years so it was great for him to be our guest and to share his experiences with others; and Jaishiv who would like to join us and help others. I think it was a really good opportunity for us to know each other and discover Edinburgh together. Unfortunately, as our time was limited, we could only finish the first two parts of our workshop. However, don't worry, we will continue this topic to talk more about Edinburgh, such as where to play and where to eat and drink this Thursday. So do not miss to join us this week. Lets keep exploring the lovely city together. At last, you can download the maps and other useful information on our facebook group: WelcomeHome-Supporting people from overseas Book your place for this Thursday at :
作者:Matt Chiu from WelcomeHome Multi-language Support 在英國除了有名的炸魚薯條, 傳統的英式早午餐也是一樣在英國生活裡不應該錯過的體驗, 在放假的早晨睡到自然醒, 信步晃到街上,悠悠閒閒的吃頓早午餐當作一天的開始, 看著街上希希嚷嚷的人群走過, 這時口中吃下的不只是一份美味的食物, 更是一份難能可貴的寧靜. 不過假如此時吃的是一份難以下嚥的英式早午餐, 想必這口口吃下去的再也不是寧靜, 而是被坑錢的憤怒, 一天的優閒也變成了一天的幽怨, 其實在這大家公認不會吃東西的英國, 這種情形其實很容易發生, 英國遍地都是的酒吧, 咖啡廳或是餐館都可以在菜單上看到傳統早餐的蹤影, 而內容也不外乎就是炒蛋,烤番茄,香腸,培根,煮豆子,蘑菇以及吐司搭上橙汁,咖啡以及茶的組合(如果是蘇格蘭則還會加上黑布丁以及羊雜). 看似簡單到不行的傳統英式早餐, 只要一些小細節的不同就會造成天與地的差別, 所以要如何挑選一份好吃的英式早餐呢? 首先除了一般網路上的評論還有親身花錢去踩地雷之外, 只要多注意些小細節也能夠更容易地找到好吃的英式早餐喔. 1.菜單: 大部分的英式早餐菜單都是簡單的把所有東西寫出來, 蛋就寫蛋,香腸就寫香腸, 培根就培根等等, 但有些店裡的菜單會特別註明食材的產地,Scottish eggs, Wales bacon等等,不要懷疑,就試下這家吧, 因為他們通常都是用了比較高級或是著名的料~ 3.偷看大家的飲料: 通常早餐的咖啡很少人會點espresso, 那麼理論上你會看到一杯正常大小的咖啡, 假如你看到大家桌上都是放著espresso的杯子, 那麼也不用期待喝到新鮮現榨的橙汁了,如果還是想試試這家店,那麼請默默閉上眼讓這家店打劫你的錢包吧… |
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November 2018